Monday, July 29, 2024

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Batman: Caped Crusader


Saturday, June 29, 2024


Batman: Caped Crusader

Monday, May 13, 2024

The Invaders - Animated series for Disney Plus?

 I wish that we could convince Disney that an Invaders animated series would be worth doing. It would be easy enough to do - we have the origen of Steve Rogers as Captain America, we have the Original Human Torch (starting as a cameo at the World's Fair. We can restore Atlantis to its proper place and not that travesty of Black Panther 2 in the MCU. 

Adopt the H.Y.D.R.A. paradigm from MCU, and we have the perfect springboard for adventure! 

Season One

Episode One - OK Axis, Here We Come!

The Invaders!

Doctor Emil Erskine
Howard Stark notifies Peggy Carter that someone has stolen some of Dr. Emil Erskine's notes on the Super-Soldier program. The notes were stolen by Agent Axis for a shadowy creature, who says that it should be childs' play for someone with his superior mind to extrapolate from the notes.

Captain America and Bucky are summoned to NYC where the President is scheduled to meet with Prince Namor of Atlantis, and if the talks go well, Namor will announce that Atlantis will join the Allies against the Axis powers.

Federal agents have recruited an android Human Torch, created by Phineas Horton, for testing for use against the Axis powers. The Human Torch is asked to investigate a circus performer Thomas Raymond with a seeming immunity to fire and heat; agents of the shadowy figure from before are there to kidnap him. The Human Torch intervenes, but the proximity of the Human Torch causes the circus performer to burst into flame. The enemy agents flee while Torch stays behind to make sure Raymond is OK. Thomas Raymond's abilities, dormant, have been awakened by the Human Torch. The Human Torch becomes Raymond's mentor.

The shadowy figure has brought scrawny Wilhelm "Willie" Lohmer to test the HYDRA recreation of the Super-Soldier formula. Julia Koenig, the head human scientist, and the shadowy figure comment that the test subject is expendable. The process overloads the equipment, and there is an explosion. Out of the wreckage steps Master Man (sans uniform).

The Human Torch, and the newly-christened Toro, are summoned to the NYC conference as additional security, and meet Captain America and Bucky. They are nearby when the President meets with Namor. During the meeting, Master Man attacks.

Master  Man

Master Man, Captain America, Bucky, the Human Torch, and Toro engage the threat. They discover the hard way that Master Man is far stronger and resistant to damage. Only Captain America is left, and Master Man is about to crush him under a brick wall when Namor charges out. Namor's strength appears a match for Master Man's, and when Namor, Captain America, and a recovered Human Torch confront Master Man for the final show-down, Master-Man regresses to the scrawny fellow he was before the treatment, which proved unstable. 

Namor announces that Atlantis will join the Allied forces, and the President announces that Namor, Captain America, Bucky, the Human Torch, and Toro - as the Invaders, will join the fight.

Episode Two -  The Ring of the Nebulas

The Invaders set off on their mission in an Atlantean aircraft but as they leave London they encounter a German bombing raid. While Namor, Human Torch and Toro assist the RAF, Captain America and Bucky land the aircraft to assist the Civil Defense workers on the ground. Captain America saves a blond woman with golden eyes wandering in the rubble. She seems in a amnesiatic daze, and CA pockets a ring she dropped.

CA, Bucky, and the woman attend a briefing on how the Allied forces plan to deal with a Nazi scientist named Brain Drain; she recognizes the name, and says that she also remembers that her name is Hilda. More importantly she points out on the map where they might find Brain Drain! Bucky stays behind as liaison but the others, with Hilda, take their Atlantean aircraft to that location. They are knocked out of the air near their destination by a flying axe, and are confronted by Teutonic gods Donar, Froh, and Loga. They fight while CA and Hilda are captured by Brain Drain, who is revealed as a human brain in a robot body. Brain Drain seized the ring which was the power source for the aliens, brainwashing them into believing themselves ancient Teutonic gods. Hilda, or more properly Brunhilda, escaped with the ring, her mind still a bank.

Brain Drain was on ground zero when an alien spacecraft bearing the four aliens crashed The aliens saved his brain and gave him his robotic body,  Cap takes a swing at Brain Drain, revealing that he’s a cyborg, literally a brain in a jar with eyes. Subduing Cap with his mental might, Brain Drain reveals his origin. he was on the site of a crashing spaceship, which devastated his body. The aliens put him back together as best they could. but Brain Drain seized the ring that was the power source of their ship and used it to brainwash the four aliens into believing that they were Teutonic Gods come to help the Axis cause. But Brunnhilde was stronger of will and she escaped with the ring, albeit with no knowledge of her true self. Now that she has returned, brain Drain intends to force her into marriage, and be begins draining the ring's power back to control her. Before can can, she grabs the ring and dives into a vat of acid. She summons the other aliens and together she incites the rig to overload in a cataclysmic explosion. The Invaders board their aircraft and escape home ahead of the blast.

Donar, Loga, Brunhilda and Froh

Episode Three -Blitzkrieg at Bermuda 

Meranno the U-Man
The Invaders are flying back to America across the Atlantic in Namor's aircraft when they observe a force of renegade Atlanteans led by U-man capture a small craft of reporters, intent on ambushing Winston Churchill as he rendezvous with the reporters.

Out near Bermuda, where U-Man's attack is about to take place, Betty Dean is in a small boat with other journalists waiting to see Churchill pass through. U-Man and his Atlantean henchmen capture the boat to use as a staging platform, disposing of all its occupants except Betty, whom U-Man realizes is Namor's friend and thus a fitting prisoner. He hits Betty and throws her below decks, leaving her for unconscious, but Betty fakes it and sneaks below to the radio, warning off Churchill's plane.

U-Man catches the plane as it brushes the water, but before he can do anything else, Namor attacks. Several German U-boats attempt to capture Churchill, and the Human Torch and Toro attack them. Captain America and Bucky retake Betty's ship, fighting off the Atlantean renegades.  A mysterious vortex  manifests, sucking into it the U-boats, and only the combined efforts of Namor, Toro, and the Human Torch keep Churchill's plane from joining them.

Churchill's plane escapes, but U-man and his soldiers escape into the water. 

Episode Four -  The Liberty Legion, Part One

The Invaders (without Bucky) attack and destroy an American defense plant while proclaiming allegiance to the Nazis. In a meeting with the President, FBI Agent Bill Stuart how he had the Invaders take part in a War Bond parade. During the parade the parade, agents of the Red Skull attacked, but the Invaders quickly dispatched them but are then captured in a tractor beam, leaving only Bucky behind, who the Red Skull considers beneath notice.

Bucky crashes a radio interview where a new hero is being interviewed - the Patriot. Bucky convinces the Patriot to use the broadcast to assemble a group of other American heroes who have cropped up to fight the Axis engaged in sabotage in the United States. The new heroes gather together: the Whizzer, Miss America, the Blue Diamond, Red Raven, and Jack Frost. Bucky names them the Liberty Legion, and dedicates them to recovering the Invaders from the Red Skull.

Episode Five -  The Liberty Legion, Part Two

The Red Skull sends the Invaders to attack different American landmarks;  Jack Frost and Blue Diamond defend the Statue of Liberty from Namor, Miss America and Patriot defend Independence Hall from Captain America, and Whizzer and Red Raven defend the Lincoln Memorial from the Human Torch and Toro. They capture Toro. When the Red Skull orders each of them to withdraw, the Liberty Legion relay the escaping Invaders' headings to Bucky and Thin Man back in New York at the radio station. They are attacked by the Human Torch The Human Torch sets the building on fire, so Bucky and Thin Man are forced to help fight the fire. 

Torch returns to the Skull's hidden base, which turns out to be directly below the radio station, where the Nullatron, the devices controlling the heroes, is located. The Red Skull puts on his disguise as the owner of the radio station, millionaire industrialist Mr.Lyles, who sponsored the war bond rally. As Lyles, he goes upstairs to where the Liberty Legion,  plus Toro have regrouped. Lyles demands proof of Toro's identity, so Toro jumps out the window, and seconds later a flaming figure makes a flaming "V".

The Red Skull returns to the lair and reinforces the hypnotic control of the Invaders, challenges the Liberty Legion to a fight at Yankee Stadium. The Red Skull loads the Nullatron machinery into a hydrogen zeppelin to move it closer to the fight to ensure his control.

The Liberty Legion and the Invaders fight inside Yankee Stadium. During the fight Bucky and Toro sneak off, revealing that they are a stand-in named Fred Davis and that Bucky was disguised as Toro. Miss America had done the flaming "V". They suspected Lyles of being the Red Skull and were hoping to use the homing effect of the Nullatron to locate it. They set Toro loose, who returns aflame to the Nullatron, and the zeppelin explodes into flame. The hero battle stops and the combined teams save civilians from the flaming debris.

The Red Skull has escaped, and the Liberty Legion becomes the home front team, fighting saboteurs and spies while the Invaders take the fight to Europe.



Friday, January 24, 2020

Monday, December 16, 2019

Griffonclaw Classic

Griffonclaw - Classic
Silvered Bronze Armor